☆Monday, June 11, 2007
%-6 All Mixed Up
O:-) Angel
0*-) Angel wink - female
0;-) Angel wink - male
:-{ Angry
:-Z Angry face
:-{{ Angry Very
>:-( Annoyed
~:o Baby
~~\8-O Bad-Hair Day
d:-) Baseball
:-) Basic
:-{0 Basic Mustache
:~-( Bawling
:-){ Beard
(:-{~ Beard - long
: = Beaver
%-| Been up All Night
:-)^< Big Boy
(:-) Big Face
:-)8< Big Girl
(((H))) Big Hug
:-X Big Wet Kiss
=|:o} Bill Clinton smiley
(:-D Blabber Mouth
?-( Black Eye
(:- Blank Expression
#-) Blinking
:-] Blockhead
:-! Bored
:-}X Bow Tie-Wearing
%-6 Brain Dead
:-(=) Bucktoothed
:-E Bucktoothed Vampire
:-F Bucktoothed Vampire with One Tooth Missing
:-C Bummed Out
:-#| Bushy Mustache
}|{ Butterfly
})i({ Butterfly - an even prettier one
}:-X Cat
q:-) Catcher
C=:-) Chef
8^ Chicken
;-( Chin up
*<<<<+ Christmas Tree
:-.) Cindy Crawford
*<):o) Clown
:-8( Condescending Stare
%) Confused
:-S Confused
:-{ Count Dracula
H-) Cross-Eyed
:`-( Crying
:*( Crying softly
&:-) Curly Hair
:-@! Cursing
O-) Cyclops
>:-> Devilish
:-e Disappointed
%-} Dizzy
:3-] Dog
:-)) Double Chin
:*) Drinking every night
:-B Drooling out of Both Sides of Mouth
:#) Drunk
.\/ Duck
<:-l Dunce
:-6 Eating Something Spicy
(:-| Egghead
5:-) Elvis
:") Embarrased
:-} Embarrassed Smile
0|-) Enjoying the Sun
>:) Evil
>-) Evil Grin
G(-'.'G) Fighting Kid - it's a straight-on smiley
l:-O FlatTop Loudmouth
:-! Foot in Mouth
=:-H Football player
:-W Forked Tongue
:^{= Frank Zappa
%*@:-) Freaking Out
/:-) Frenchman with a beret
8) Frog
:-< Frowning
):-( Frowning Smiley with Hair
:-/ Frustrated
=:-) Funny Hair
*:* Fuzzy
*:*} Fuzzy With a Mustache
~~:-( Getting Rained On
8*) Glasses and a Half Mustache
:oÞ Grinning and sticking tongue out (type ALT+0222 on righthand number keypad)
{:-) Hair Parted in the Middle
}:-) Hair Parted in the Middle Sticking up on Sides
=:-) Hair Standing on End
:-}) Handlebar Mustache
%-) Happy Drunk
:-' Has a Dimple
:%)% Has Acne
:-# Has Braces
:(#) Has Braces variation
:-`| Have a Cold
|:-) Heavy Eyebrows
/;-) Heavy Eyebrows - Slanted
l^o Hepcat
(_8(|) Homer Simpson
(_8^(|) Homer Simpson
(^~^~^) Hot ass walking away
*^_^* Huge Dazzling Grin - it's a straight-on smiley
%*@:-( Hungover with headache
:0 Hungry
o[-<]: I am a skater or I like to skate
%*} Inebriated
(|):-)=II= Jewish Blonde
?:^[] Jim Carrey
(8 { John Lennon
@:-} Just Back From Hairdresser
:-T Keeping a Straight Face
:) Kid smiley
:-x Kiss
:-* Kiss on the cheek
>^,,^< Kitty Cat - it's a straight-on smiley
& Kitty cleaning a hind paw
>* Kitty doesn't like taking its pill
~*= Kitty running away from you
:p Kitty with tongue hanging out
>:-l Klingon
@(*0*)@ Koala - it's a straight-on smiley
:-D Laughing
%OD Laughing like crazy
(-: Left Hand
?-: Left Handed Tongue Touching Nose
>;-> Lewd Remark
:-9 Licking Lips
;-, Like, Duh
:-x Lips are Sealed
8:-) Little Girl
%-) Long Bangs
%+{ Lost a Fight
|-( Lost Contact Lenses
X-( Mad
;-( mad look
&-l Makes Me Cry
:-(*) Makes Me Sick
:-S Makes No Sense
@@@@:-) Marge Simpson
@|-) Meditating Smiley
#:-) Messy Hair
8(:-) Mickey Mouse
:) Midget
~~:-( Mohawk
:-{ Mustache
:-{)= Mustache & Goatee
:-3 Mustache (Handlebar Type)
{:-{)} Mustache and Beard
:-# My Lips Are Sealed
(-) Needs Haircut
):-( Nordic
:/) Not Amused
8-O Omigod!
:=) Orangutan
8> Penguin
:-? Pensive
:^) Personality
3:] Pet Dog
:8) Pig
:---) Pinnochio
P-( Pirate
3:[ Pitbull
:-< Pointy Mustache
}:^#) Pointy Nosed
+<:-) Pope
:-t Pouting
:-[ Pouting variation
+:-) Priest
;~[ Prizefighter
X:-) Propeller Head
?-) Proud of black eye
=:-) Punk
=:-( Punk Not Smiling
<(-'.'-)> Puppy dog - it's a straight-on smiley
:-r Rasberry
(((((:-{= Rave Dude
:-C Real Unhappy
~:-( Really Bummed Out
:-)) Really Happy
([( Robocop
[:] Robot
@};--- Rose
3:*> Rudolph the red nose reindeer
:-( Sad
:( Sad Turtle
:-d Said with a smile
:-y Said with a Smile variation
M:-) Saluting
*<|:-) Santa Claus
:-> Sarcastic
:-@ Screaming
Scuba Diver
)8-) Scuba Diver with Hair
$__$ Sees Money
:-i Semi-Smile
,:-) Shaved Left Eyebrow
8-0 Shocked
+-( Shot Between the Eyes
:-V Shouting
:O Singing
~:-P Single Hair
:-/ Skeptical
':-/ Skeptical again
:-7 Skeptical variation
O-) Smiley After Smoking a Banana
):-) Smiley with Hair
:-, Smirk
;^) Smirking
:-i Smoking a cig
:-? Smoking a pipe
:-Q Smoking while talking
~~~~8} Snake
:-( <| Standing Firm
=%-O Stared at Computer Way Too Long
%-) Staring at a Screen for 15 hours
(8-{)} Sunglasses, Mustache, Beard
/8^{~ Sunglasses, Mustache, Goatee
:0 Surprised
`:-) Sweating
,:-) Sweating on the Other Side
:-0 Talkative
:-S Talking Gibberish
&-| Tearful
-(:)(0)=8 Teletubby
:-)--- Thin as a Pin
%-\ Tired
:-? Tongue Sticking Out
:-& Tongue Tied
:-a Tongue Touching Nose
*!#*!^*&:- Total Head Case
}(:-( Toupee Blowing in Wind
:-))) Triple Chin
<:>== Turkey
x:-/ Uncertain
=):-) Uncle Sam
:-\ Undecided
:-| Unfazed
|:-) Unibrow
|:-| Unyielding
:-[ Vampire
:-))) Very Happy
%') Very Tired
(:-( Very Unhappy
:-< Walrus
@:-) Wavy Hair
{(:-) Wearing a Toupee
[:-) Wearing a Walkman
8-) Wearing Contacts
B-) Wearing Glasses
:-{} Wearing Lipstick
]-I Wearing Sunglasses
{:-) Wears a Toupee
:-1 Whatever
:-" Whistling
;^? Wigged Out
'-) Winking
,-) Winking Happy
;-) Winking variation
#-) Wiped out, partied all night
8<:-) Wizard
-=#:-) \ Wizard with Wand
:-)8 : Woman
:~) Wondering
,-} Wry and Winking
:-7 Wry Face
l-O Yawning
|^o Yawning or Snoring variation
:-(0) Yelling
=8-0 Yikes!
$-) Yuppie
missingY O U
survey.a little something about me. ;P* . . About You . . * Eye Color:: black
Hair Color:: still black
Height:: 5'something.yea i know im small. :(
Favorite Color:: RED.
Screen Name:: LITTLEmissCADAVER
Favorite Band:: flyleaf.
Favorite Movie:: there's a lot.
Favorite Show:: the simpsons.LOL.
Your Car:: nah.
Your Hometown:: in townsville? LOL.
Your Present Town:: dimmsdale.
Your Crushes First Name:: that's a secret. :>
Your Grade:: 10th
Your Style:: style?
* . . Have You Ever . . * Sat on your rooftop?: yea.a lot
Kissed someone in the rain?: no.but i want to.
Danced in a public place?: yep.:)
Smiled for no reason?: yea.most of the time.
Laughed so hard you cried?: i dont remember.
Peed your pants after age 8?: haha.i guess so.
Written a song?: yea.
Sang to someone for no reason?: yes, i do!
Performed on a stage?: yea. :p
Talked to someone you don't know?: yea, online. LOL
Gone out of your way to befriend someone?: uh-huh.
Made out in a theatre?: i wish.lol.
Gone roller skating since 8th grade?: never tried it. :((
Been in love?: yea. and it sucks.
* . . What's the last . . * Time you laughed?: just a little while ago.
Time you cried?: i dont want to remember.
Movie you watched?: xxxHOLIC.
Joke you told?: last night?
Song you've sang?: franklin.
Time you've looked at the clock?: 7:10
Drink you've had?: water.
Number you've dialed?: 9? dunno.
Book you've read?: FIRST KISSES.
Food you've eaten?: noodles.lol.
Flavor of gum chewed?: hmm..strawberry.
Shoes you've worn?: chucks.
Store you've been in?: forgot.:p
Thing you've said?: later.
* . . Can You . . * Write with both hands?: nah.
Whistle?: sadly, no. :((
Blow a bubble?: no!! :((
Roll your tounge in a circle?:absolutely! haha
Cross your eyes?: naw.
Touch your tounge to your nose?: haha...no.
Dance?: yea. but it's a crazy looking one.lol
Gleek?: pardon?
Stay up a whole night without sleep?: never tried it.
Speak a different language?: a little japanese.^^
Impersonate someone?: haha yea.,
Prank call people?: yup.
Make a card pyramid?: naw.
Cook anything?: i dont cook.
* . . Finish The Line . . * If i were a ...:drummer, id rock the world.lol
I wish ...: i was HER. =((
So many people don't know that ...: i love you.lol. XDD
I am ...: TYPING.duh?
My heart is ...: beating...
missingY O U
what a kiss means ~Kiss on the stomach = Im ready
~Kiss on the Forehead ="i hope we're together forever"
~Kiss on the Ear = Your my everything
~Kiss on the Cheek = "We're friends"
~Kiss on the Hand = "I adore you"
~Kiss on the Neck = "we belong together"
~Kiss on the Shoulder = "I want you"
~Kiss on the Lips = "I like you"
What the gesture means...
~Holding Hands = "we definitely like each other"
~Slap on the Butt = "That's mine"
~Holding on tight = "i don't want to let go"
~Looking into each other's Eyes = "i just plain like you"
~Playing with Hair = "Tell me you love me"
~Arms around the Waist = "I like you too much to let go"
~Laughing while Kissing = "I am completely comfortable with you"
Dont ask for a kiss, take one.
If you were thinking about someone while reading this,
you're definitely in Love.
missingY O U